Saturday, October 21, 2017

Final Project - Learn Something New

   After all this talk and research about technology, I need to put it to good use and use technology to teach myself a new skill.  After much thought and consideration, I realized if I was devoting all my spare time to a project, I wanted to have something lasting to show for my effort.  I settled on learning to refinish builder's grade oak cabinets, a vanity, in fact.  I have lived in our current home for about 5 years, and I have wanted to replace the strange built-in vanity since we moved in.  Our budget, however, has never been able to stretch far enough to replace it.

    After a bit of Pinterest research, I realized I could refinish it to make it look more updated.  I just need to learn to use some tools and new products! The internet is full of YouTube tutorials and blogs on how others have done similar projects.  I like this blog tutorial best so far and am using it as a guide.  While my husband is fairly handy and owns quite a few tools, I have never been one to tackle power tools and stain.  Painting a room I can do.  Using saws, drills, and power sanders?  Well, I am going to learn.  In addition to gel staining my vanity, I intend to replace the mirror and frame a new one, and I plan on replacing the laminate countertop with something nicer.  My husband has kindly offered to tackle the one thing I do not feel prepared to do... move an electric outlet.  It is currently sitting in the middle of the mirror.  Weird, right?  Let me give you a better idea of the project.
See the outlet?

(Sorry, for the strange angle, but a wall is in my way and is prohibiting me getting the entire vanity in the frame from the front.)   So other than that pesky outlet, this project is all mine!

Bring on the parts I am most looking forward to, demolition and shopping for supplies!

1 comment:

  1. You appear to be off to a good start. Be sure to take lots of pictures and have someone take photos of you performing the various tasks.


Final Project Post!

   My vanity refinishing project is complete!  I think it looks even better than I had hoped it would six weeks ago when I decided to take o...